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CT5 People’s Forum meeting blog, 10 July 2024

The July Forum meeting start time had been moved to an earlier 6:30pm to accommodate the England football team playing in the Euros semi final. As a result, and given the summer period, the agenda was lightened and meeting attendance down, with 21 members of the public and Councillors attending.

Chair Michael Bax introduced Geraldine Deas and Edwina Neil as prospective new Trustees; the Forum agreed that they should be welcomed onto the Trustee body.

The main part of the meeting was a presentation from Hannah Whiteley on the results of the recent Traffic and Active Travel Group survey.  A member of the group, Hannah’s background is in research and community engagement. The survey had received 80 responses, with main themes around traffic, transport, cycling and accessibility. Headlines included –

  • A pedestrian first approach is desired

  • The Town Centre is not seen as an accessible and inclusive space

  • Inadequate bus services (it was noted the survey was undertaken before recent improvements)

  • Poor path infrastructure affecting safety

  • Need for greater community engagement in decisions affecting traffic and travel

  • It would be good to provide better options and choice about whether to drive, cycle, walk or use public transport.

Following the presentation the meeting considered in groups suggestions to put the ideas into action, including how to implement a pedestrian first approach both in the town centre, and in helping people to get into the town centre. Lots of ideas came forward, including increasing pedestrian access, a focus on Harbour Street, public transport including hopper buses and park and ride, improving pathways including Stream Walk, safer cycle routes in and out of town, the need for a strong community voice in developing priorities and proposals.

The meeting heard a presentation on Plastic Free Whitstable, from Don Sibley who leads the Eco group, on behalf of Jane Webb. Plastic Free Whitstable is an associate of the Forum, not a sub group. The Plastic Free campaign nationally emerged from Surfers Against Sewage, and the Whitstable group was established by Jane Webb from the Soroptomists.

The priority this year is to get businesses signed up to support, and so far over 40 local businesses have done so, as well as 8 community groups who have allied to the Plastic Free aims.

Plastic Free Whitstable does not yet have a website, but it does run a Facebook page.

Don then updated the Forum about the plans for the 2024 Wild About Whitstable week, which will take place between 12 and 18 August, with other 30 activities planned for the week. There was great support from a number of bodies and venues, especially the Horsebridge and also the Umbrella and Stream Walk, the Bruce Williams gallery where there will be an Art exhibition; and financial support from Kent Community Energy. The week will culminate in an Eco Fair at St John’s Church on 17 August.

Bernadette Fisher added to Don’s presentation by showing the Wild About Whitstable website, including the accessibility statement, new arrangements for donations to be made and the QR code links. Forum members were encouraged to support and donate.

Finally, a Councillor’s update was given by James Flanagan, including that on 7th August the General Purposes Committee will meet to consider the outcome of the Community Governance Review into the petition for a CT5 Town Council, the recommendations of which will go to full Council on 24 October.

James also advised about KCC proposals for an SEN school on Church Street playing fields, and responded to questions on the possibility of another SEN school on the Brooklands Farm site.

Tony Ullman


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